Sunday 27 March 2022






Amongst the various poses prescribed for meditation, Padmasana is unique and foremost. It is called Padmasana because of its full pose lending one the appearance of a full-blown lotus.


  1. Stretch the legs forward, place the right foot gently at the left hip-joint, and the left foot similarly at the right hip-joint.
  2. Keep the spine erect.
  3. Place the right hand on the right knee-joint and the left hand on the left knee-joint.
  4. *Gaze gently at the tip of the nose.
  5. Hold and continue with gentle long breaths in and out.

*(Or you can make a finger-lock and keep the locked hands on the left heel. This is comfortable for some persons. Or you can place the right hand on the right knee-joint with palm facing upwards and the index finger touching the middle of the thumb; the left hand also should be placed on the left knee-joint with the palm facing upwards and the index finger touching the middle of the thumb in a similar manner.)


Sit for half an hour to start with and then slowly increase the period to three hours. Sitting for three hours in one Asana is termed Asana Jaya or mastery over Asana.


  1. Padmasana destroys all diseases and bestows quick emancipation to the practitioner.
  2. Relaxes the mind
  3. Helps pregnant ladies during childbirth

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