Monday 14 February 2022

Masturbation side effects


Masturbation is the most devitalising and demoralizing of pleasures. This small time enjoyment take up various types of defects. Underline part is for short term masturbation and not underline part is for long time masturbation.

Physical body:

Varies kind of deses arise from the losses of semen.

·       Outer body effect:

1.       eyes: sunken and dark lines around the eyes, loss of eye sight, burning in eyes.

2.       face: pale face with anaemia, rough skin, skin colour is brown, skin look older.

3.       Hair: Hair fall increase, the colour of hairs is brown day by day, hairs are thin.

4.       Voice: neck size is slim, the voice is poor.

5.       Body: feel laziness, gloominess, destroy mussels, back pain.

·       Inner body effect:

1.       Stomach: digestion problem, stomach pain, gas problem.

2.       Brain: week memory, head pain, fickle minded, lack of thinking power.

3.       Heart: palpitation of heart.

4.       Bones: week bones, back boon pain.

5.       Testes: enlargement of testes, pain in testes, cancer form in testes.

Mental body:

The body and the mind refuse to work energetically

2.        Little things upset their minds. slaves of anger, jealousy, laziness and fear.

3.       The person is become slaves of anger, jealousy, laziness and fear.

4.       Your sense is not in your control, you venture to do foolish act, you did not control in your nerves.

Spiritual body:

1.       Yougies said that if you did not use your veery, it is all transmuted into OJAS SAKTI or spiritual energy and stored up in the brain.

2.       Your energy body is ruined, the rhythm of vibration of your energy is destroy,

3.       The energy that is wasted during one sexual intercourse is tantamount to the energy that is spent in physical labour for ten days or the energy that is utilized in mental work for three days.

If you lost your semen during Masturbation you know that what are the effect and what I said is really right or wrong.

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