Monday, 21 February 2022

Control sextual desire



First thing we want to understand what is thought?

IF you search on internet what is thought? You see “Thoughts Is the process of thinking. This is the map of our physical representation. A product of thinking or other mental activity.” etc………

Thoughts are two types

1.       Consciousness thought: What we think in our present mind or what we want to think.

2.       Unconsciousness thoughts: This thoughts are formed in our dreams it is good or bad.

In sexuality thinking of girls, intimate with them, sex with them all we think it is only our thoughts it is not real action. We need to understand this is not happen because this is thoughts   not action. If we control our thoughts, then we are free.

This type of Impure thoughts that arise at the sight of a woman will gradually vanish when you grow in purity through regular Japa and meditation. It take some time to destroy old vision.

If anyone addicted to masturbation or watching ponography, every time every hour every moment his mind think about it.


The only way to came out it is pure though. Do not look at a woman with an evil eye. If she is old, treat her as your mother; if she is young, as your sister; and if very young, as your child. You may fail to develop the Bhava that all women are your mothers and sisters a hundred and one times. It does not matter. Stick to your practice tenaciously. You are bound to succeed eventually.

When you walk on the road, do not look hither and thither like a monkey. Look at the tip of your right big toe and walk gently with a Gambhir attitude. Or look at the ground and walk. This is a great help in maintaining Brahmacharya. You can look at the tip of the nose also.

Celibacy is the great path for it, If you believe any god then prayer Hey Prabhu! The Soul of my soul, the Life of my life, the Mind of my mind, the Ear of my ears, Light of lights, Sun of suns! Give light and purity. Let me get established in physical and mental Brahmacharya. Let me be pure in thoughts, word and deed. Give me strength to control my Indriyas (senses) and observe the Brahmacharya Vrata. Protect me from all sorts of temptations of this world. Let all my Indriyas be ever engaged in Thy sweet service.

Read books: spiritual books, SWAMI VIVEKANANDA, Swami Dayananda, Bhishma Pitamaha,

Hanuman or Lakshmana.

YOUGA : In yougic process many kriya and youga help us to relief.


  • 1.       Siddhasana
  • 2.       Shirsasana
  • 3.       Sarvangasana
  • 4.       Matsyasana
  • 5.       Padangushthasana


  • 1. Mula Bandhasana
  • 2.       Jalandhara Bandha
  • 3.       Uddiyana Bandha
  • 4.       Nauli Kriya
  • 5.       Maha Mudra
  • 6.       Yoga Mudra
  • 7.       Vijroli mudra


  • 1.       Bhastrika Pranayama
  • 2.       Nadi siddhi
  • 3.       kapalvati

Tuesday, 15 February 2022

Swami Vivekananda qutos


   Swami Vivekananda

How you success in your life ........

Most of the people in the world are not successful in their life because they are not living their life to their full potential .Every time they fell " I am worthless ,I can not do anything " .

Swami Vivekananda 
" If you think yourselves strong,
" strong you will be. " ....

..." Take up one idea ,make that one idea your life .Think on it, dream of it ,Live on that idea let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body be full of that idea, and just leave every idea alone. This is the way to success. 

"To succeed, you must have tremendous perseverance, tremendous will , ' I will drink the ocean, 'says the persevering soul ',at my will mountaiwill crumble up.' Have that sor of energy, that sort of will, work hard,and you will reach the goal

So we are what our thoughts have made us ; so take care about what you think.words are secondary.Thoughts live,they travel far.

Celibacy qutos



    1. "Sensuality destroys life, lustre, strength, vitality, memory, wealth, great fame, holiness and devotion to the Supreme." - Lord Krishna

    2. "A wise man should avoid married life as if it were a burning pit of live coals. From the contact comes sensation, from sensation thirst, from thirst clinging; by ceasing from that, the soul is delivered from all sinful existence." - Lord Buddha


    3."Know that in this world there is nothing that cannot be attained by one who remains from birth to death a perfect celibate... In one person, knowledge of the four Vedas, and in another, perfect celibacy - of these, the latter is superior to the former who is wanting in celibacy."  - The Mahabharata

     4. "Brahmacharya or spotless chastity is the best of all penances; a celibate of such spotless chastity is not a human being, but a god indeed... To the celibate who conserves the semen with great efforts, what is there unattainable in this world? By the power of the composure of the semen, one will become just like myself." - Lord Sankara

    5. "Brahmacharya is abstaining from all kinds of Maithuna or sexual enjoyment for ever, in all places and in all conditions, physically, mentally and verbally." - Yajnavalkya 

    6.  "Thinking of a woman or her picture, praising a woman or her picture, sporting with a woman or her picture, glancing at a woman or her picture, secretly talking to a woman, thinking of a sinful action towards a woman actuated by sensuality, determining upon the sinful action, and bodily action resulting in the discharge of semen are the eight characteristics of copulation; and Brahmacharya is quite contrary to all these eight indications."- Daksha Smriti 

     7.   "And those students who find that world of God through chastity, theirs is that heavenly country; theirs, in whatever world they are, is freedom." - Chandogya Upanishad

   8.   "These sexual propensities, though they are at first like ripples, acquire the proportions of a sea on account of bad company." - Narada

    9   "Death is hastened by letting out semen from the body; life is saved and prolonged by preserving it. There is no doubt that people die prematurely by letting the semen out of the body; knowing this, the Yogi should always preserve semen and lead a life of strict celibacy." - Siva Samhita

    10.  "Caution in diet is of threefold value, but abstinence from sexual intercourse is of fourfold value. The Sannyasi had, and has a rule never to look at a woman." - Atreya

Monday, 14 February 2022

Masturbation side effects


Masturbation is the most devitalising and demoralizing of pleasures. This small time enjoyment take up various types of defects. Underline part is for short term masturbation and not underline part is for long time masturbation.

Physical body:

Varies kind of deses arise from the losses of semen.

·       Outer body effect:

1.       eyes: sunken and dark lines around the eyes, loss of eye sight, burning in eyes.

2.       face: pale face with anaemia, rough skin, skin colour is brown, skin look older.

3.       Hair: Hair fall increase, the colour of hairs is brown day by day, hairs are thin.

4.       Voice: neck size is slim, the voice is poor.

5.       Body: feel laziness, gloominess, destroy mussels, back pain.

·       Inner body effect:

1.       Stomach: digestion problem, stomach pain, gas problem.

2.       Brain: week memory, head pain, fickle minded, lack of thinking power.

3.       Heart: palpitation of heart.

4.       Bones: week bones, back boon pain.

5.       Testes: enlargement of testes, pain in testes, cancer form in testes.

Mental body:

The body and the mind refuse to work energetically

2.        Little things upset their minds. slaves of anger, jealousy, laziness and fear.

3.       The person is become slaves of anger, jealousy, laziness and fear.

4.       Your sense is not in your control, you venture to do foolish act, you did not control in your nerves.

Spiritual body:

1.       Yougies said that if you did not use your veery, it is all transmuted into OJAS SAKTI or spiritual energy and stored up in the brain.

2.       Your energy body is ruined, the rhythm of vibration of your energy is destroy,

3.       The energy that is wasted during one sexual intercourse is tantamount to the energy that is spent in physical labour for ten days or the energy that is utilized in mental work for three days.

If you lost your semen during Masturbation you know that what are the effect and what I said is really right or wrong.

Saturday, 12 February 2022

The value of semen


                   Semen is the fuel of life. In Bengali its call veerya that supports your life, which is the Prana of Pranas. Veery is the quintessence of blood. One drop of semen is manufacture out of forty drops of blood. So, you can understand how valuable this fluid is!


According to the Ayurveda, semen is the last dhatu that is formed out of food. Out of food is manufactured chyle. Out of chyle comes blood. Out of blood comes flesh. Out of flesh comes fat. Out of fat comes bone. Out of bone comes marrow. Out of marrow comes semen. These are the Sapta Dhatus or the seven Dhatus that support this life and body.

The two testes that are located in the scrotal bag are called secretory glands. The cells of these testes have been endowed with the peculiar property of secreting semen from the blood. Just as bees collect honey in the honeycomb drop by drop, so also, the cells of the testes collect semen drop by drop from the blood. Then this fluid is taken by the two ducts or tubes to the vesiculae seminalis. Under excitement, it is thrown out by special ducts, called ejaculatory ducts, into the urethra where it is mixed with the prostatic juice.


In this days scientist said that “ The best blood in the body goes form the elements of reproductions in both sex.” This vital fluid of man carried back and diffused through his system makes him manly, strong, brave and heroic. If wasted, it leaves him effeminate, weak and physically debilitated and prone to sexual irritation and disordered function, a wretched nervous system, epilepsy, and various other diseases and death.


Mind, Prana and Veerya are the three links of one chain. Mind, Prana and Veerya are one. By controlling the mind, you can control Prana and semen. By controlling Prana you can control the mind and semen. By controlling semen, you can control the mind and Prana. Mind, Prana and Veerya are under the one connection of a circuit. If the mind is controlled, Prana and Veerya are controlled automatically. He who suspends or restrains Prana restrains also the working of the mind and the movement of the Veerya. Again, if the Veerya is controlled, and if it is made to flow upwards into the brain by pure thoughts and the practice of Viparita
Karani Mudras
such as Sarvangasana and Sirshasana and Pranayama, the mind and the Prana are automatically controlled.

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